Wilfred Blyth Adlard

Informatie over geboorte

Retford, Nottinghamshire, Engeland, Verenigd Koninkrijk

Informatie legerdienst

Engeland, Verenigd Koninkrijk
British Expeditionary Force
Service nummer:
Dienstneming plaats:
Shirebrook, Derbyshire, Engeland, Verenigd Koninkrijk
 —  Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment), 12th Bn. (Pioneers)  (Laatst gekende eenheid)

Informatie over overlijden

Datum van overlijden:
Plaats van overlijden:
South of Zillebeke, België
Killed in action (K.I.A.)


Points of interest 2

#1 Geboorteplaats
#2 Dienstneming plaats

Mijn verhaal

Private Wilfres Adlard Blyth served in the Sherwood Foresters (Notts & Derby) Regiment 12th Battalion, part of the 117th Brigade of the 39th Division. He was killed in action on the 10th of August 1917 during the Third Battle of Ypres.

The 12th Battalion Notts & Derby was a Pioneer Battalion attached as Army Troops to the 24th Division. According to their war diary, the 12th Battalion (Pioneers) were working on the extension of a tramway extension to Armagh Wood on the 10th of August 1917, employing 108 other ranks. “B” Company of the 12th Battalion was working in the line, while “C” Company continued repairing and maintenance work on the Voormezele – Larch Wood light railway. “D” Company continued work on the tracks to the Hedge Street Tunnels. It’s highly likely Private Wilfred Adlard Blythe was killed in action while working with the 12th Battalion (Pioneers) at one of these previously mentioned places.

The Notts & Derby 12th Battalion suffered a total of fifteen casualties, due to German shelling, on the 10th of August the 1917. Six men were killed, eight were wounded and one man got missing. Private Wilfred Adlard Blyth was probably one of the six men of the Sherwood Foresters (Notts & Derby) Regiment 12th Battalion (Pioneers), who fell on the 10th of August 1917. His remains were never identified and Wilfred is remembered on the Ypres Menin Gate Memorial.

Meer informatie 3