Richard Dove Whittaker
Informatie over geboorte
Geboortejaar: 1886 |
Geboorteplaats: Skipton, Yorkshire, Engeland, Verenigd Koninkrijk |
Algemene Informatie
Beroep: Arbeider katoenfabriek |
Informatie legerdienst
Land: Engeland, Verenigd Koninkrijk |
Strijdmacht: British Expeditionary Force |
Rang: Private |
Service nummer: 267013 |
Dienstneming plaats: Skipton, Yorkshire, Engeland, Verenigd Koninkrijk |
Eenheden: — Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment), 1/6th Bn. (Laatst gekende eenheid) |
Informatie over overlijden
Datum van overlijden: 28/02/1918 |
Plaats van overlijden: Judge Subsector, België |
Doodsoorzaak: Died of wounds (D.O.W.) |
Leeftijd: 32 |
Polygon Wood Cemetery Plot: Onbekend Rij: G Graf: 3 |
Onderscheidingen en medailles 2
British War Medal Medaille |
Victory Medal Medaille |
Points of interest 2
#1 | Geboorteplaats | ||
#2 | Dienstneming plaats |
Mijn verhaal
Private Richard Dove Whittaker was born in Skipton, North Yorkshire in 1886. He was the son of Edward and Ann Whittaker and he had two brothers and one sister. Before he enlisted in the army he was working as a warpdresser at Firth & Moorhouse textile mill. When he enlisted in 1916, he joined the Duke of Wellington’s West Riding Regiment 1/6th Battalion, part of the 147th Brigade of the 49th Division.
On 22 February 1918 the 1/6th Bn. Duke of Wellington’s relieved the 2nd Canterbury Battalion of the New Zealand Army in the Centre Judge Sector near the hamlet of Reutel. At 3 a.m. on 28 February the British artillery fired a barrage on the enemy lines which prompted a retaliation during which three men were killed, Private Whittaker being one of them. He was buried at Polygon Wood Cemetery where he is still remembered.
Private Richard Dove Whittaker was one of three brothers who served in the First World War. His brother, private James Whittaker also served in the 1/6th DWR and was killed in action on 3 mey 1918 near Millekruisse, Belgium. His other brother, Edgar Whittaker, served as a gunner in the Royal Field Artillery and was the only one of the three brothers who survived the war.
On 22 February 1918 the 1/6th Bn. Duke of Wellington’s relieved the 2nd Canterbury Battalion of the New Zealand Army in the Centre Judge Sector near the hamlet of Reutel. At 3 a.m. on 28 February the British artillery fired a barrage on the enemy lines which prompted a retaliation during which three men were killed, Private Whittaker being one of them. He was buried at Polygon Wood Cemetery where he is still remembered.
Private Richard Dove Whittaker was one of three brothers who served in the First World War. His brother, private James Whittaker also served in the 1/6th DWR and was killed in action on 3 mey 1918 near Millekruisse, Belgium. His other brother, Edgar Whittaker, served as a gunner in the Royal Field Artillery and was the only one of the three brothers who survived the war.
Connectie's met andere militairen 1
James Willie Whittaker
Brother |
Bronnen 3
147 Infantry Brigade: 1/6 Battalion Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment). (The National Archives, KEW (TNA), WO 95/2801/4). Gebruikte bronnen |
Barber S., Guiseley Terriers: A Small Part in the Great War, A History of the 1/6th Battalion, Duke of Wellington's (West Riding) Regiment, (Barnsley, Pen & Sword Military, 2018), p 160-162. Gebruikte bronnen |
CPGW Gebruikte bronnen |
Meer informatie 3
Commonwealth War Graves Commission Database |
Namenlijst (In Flanders Fields Museum) |
Lives of the First World War (Imperial War Museum) |