Robert Arnott
Informatie over geboorte
Geboortedatum: 02/04/1881 |
Geboorteplaats: Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Schotland, Verenigd Koninkrijk |
Algemene Informatie
Beroep: Groenteboer |
Informatie legerdienst
Land: Nieuw-Zeeland |
Strijdmacht: New Zealand Expeditionary Force |
Rang: Company Quartermaster Sergeant |
Service nummer: 11193 |
Eenheden: — Otago Regiment, 2nd Bn. (Laatst gekende eenheid) |
Informatie over overlijden
Datum van overlijden: 12/12/1917 |
Plaats van overlijden: Polygoonbos, Zonnebeke, Belgiƫ |
Doodsoorzaak: Killed in action (K.I.A.) |
Leeftijd: 36 |
Polygon Wood Cemetery Plot: Onbekend Rij: D Graf: 7 |
Onderscheidingen en medailles 2
British War Medal Medaille |
Victory Medal Medaille |
Points of interest 2
#1 | Geboorteplaats | ||
#2 | Plaats van overlijden (bij benadering) |
Mijn verhaal
Company Quartermaster Serjeant Robert Arnott served in the Otago Regiment, 2nd Battalion, part of the New Zealand Division.
The New Zealand Division was in the Polygon Wood area, after the end of the Third Battle of Ypres. Much of the time was spent in wiring, repairing crumbling trenches and improving defences. The landscape was covered with waterlogged shellholes. The right of the New Zealand position was enfiladed from Polderhoek and a decision was made to capture the spur on which the ruins of Polderhoek Chateau and German pillboxes sat.
After the unsuccessful attack on Polderhoek on 3 December 1917, the various battalions took turns in the line and in reserve. The opposing German forces generally held higher ground and movement in the New Zealand lines was often observed and shelled or machine-gunned.
The 2nd Battalion had its headquarters at the Polygon Butte during the period. On the 12th of December the Battalion was heavily shelled. The Otago Regiment history states that four men were killed, including one company quartermaster serjeant. It is highly possible that this was Robert Arnott since he was reported killed in action on the 12th of December 1917. He was directly buried in Polygon Wood Cemetery.
The New Zealand Division was in the Polygon Wood area, after the end of the Third Battle of Ypres. Much of the time was spent in wiring, repairing crumbling trenches and improving defences. The landscape was covered with waterlogged shellholes. The right of the New Zealand position was enfiladed from Polderhoek and a decision was made to capture the spur on which the ruins of Polderhoek Chateau and German pillboxes sat.
After the unsuccessful attack on Polderhoek on 3 December 1917, the various battalions took turns in the line and in reserve. The opposing German forces generally held higher ground and movement in the New Zealand lines was often observed and shelled or machine-gunned.
The 2nd Battalion had its headquarters at the Polygon Butte during the period. On the 12th of December the Battalion was heavily shelled. The Otago Regiment history states that four men were killed, including one company quartermaster serjeant. It is highly possible that this was Robert Arnott since he was reported killed in action on the 12th of December 1917. He was directly buried in Polygon Wood Cemetery.
Bronnen 1
Byrne A.E., Official History of the Otago Regiment, N.Z.E.F. in the Great War 1914-1918, (Dunedin, Wilkie & Co, Ltd., s.d.), page 312-315. Gebruikte bronnen |
Meer informatie 5
Commonwealth War Graves Commission Database |
Namenlijst (In Flanders Fields Museum) |
Lives of the First World War (Imperial War Museum) |
The NZEF Project (UNSW Canberra) |
Online Cenotaph (Auckland Museum) |