Cecil Ernest Covill
Informatie over geboorte
Geboortedatum: 19/02/1896 |
Geboorteplaats: Lewisham, Kent, Engeland, Verenigd Koninkrijk |
Algemene Informatie
Beroep: Bank Boodschapper |
Informatie legerdienst
Land: Engeland, Verenigd Koninkrijk |
Strijdmacht: British Expeditionary Force |
Rang: Lance Corporal |
Service nummer: 23213 |
Dienstneming plaats: Deptford, Kent, Engeland, Verenigd Koninkrijk |
Eenheden: — Worcestershire Regiment, 2nd Bn. (Laatst gekende eenheid) |
Informatie over overlijden
Datum van overlijden: 04/12/1917 |
Plaats van overlijden: Ieper, België |
Doodsoorzaak: Died of wounds (D.O.W.) |
Leeftijd: 21 |
Ypres Reservoir Cemetery Plot: III Rij: A Graf: 14 |
Onderscheidingen en medailles 3
1914-15 Star Medaille — 31/10/1919 |
British War Medal Medaille — 02/09/1920 |
Victory Medal Medaille — 02/09/1920 |
Points of interest 3
#1 | Geboorteplaats | ||
#2 | Dienstneming plaats | ||
#3 | Plaats van overlijden (bij benadering) |
Mijn verhaal
Cecil Ernest Covill was born in 1896. He was the third son of Frederick and Deborah Covill, of Lewisham, Kent. He was employed at the Eastern Bank, before enlisting in August 1914. Cecil served in Flanders and France with the 2nd Battalion Worcestershire Regiment, part of the 100th brigade, of the 33rd Division.
After having seen action in the Battle of Menin Road Ridge and the Battle of Polygon Wood the 33rd Division moved to northern France, to recuperate from the Battle of Passchendaele. On 16 November 1917 the 2nd Worcestershire moved back to the Ypres Salient. On 29 November Cecil’s Battalion occupied support positions at Seine Farm. The following day the men skirted the Passchendaele Ridge and occupied frontline trenches, immediately east of the ruins of Passchendaele. The situation at the front was pretty quiet, until 2 December, when a minor operation on the Battalion’s left, provoked the German artillery to shell the frontline. The Battalion remained in the line till the night of the 3rd of December, when it was relieved.
Lance Corporal Cecil Ernest Covill was gravely wounded, while his unit held the heights of Passchendaele. The 21-year old was evacuated to Ypres, where he died of his wounds. Cecil was buried in Ypres Reservoir Cemetery.
After having seen action in the Battle of Menin Road Ridge and the Battle of Polygon Wood the 33rd Division moved to northern France, to recuperate from the Battle of Passchendaele. On 16 November 1917 the 2nd Worcestershire moved back to the Ypres Salient. On 29 November Cecil’s Battalion occupied support positions at Seine Farm. The following day the men skirted the Passchendaele Ridge and occupied frontline trenches, immediately east of the ruins of Passchendaele. The situation at the front was pretty quiet, until 2 December, when a minor operation on the Battalion’s left, provoked the German artillery to shell the frontline. The Battalion remained in the line till the night of the 3rd of December, when it was relieved.
Lance Corporal Cecil Ernest Covill was gravely wounded, while his unit held the heights of Passchendaele. The 21-year old was evacuated to Ypres, where he died of his wounds. Cecil was buried in Ypres Reservoir Cemetery.
Bronnen 2
2 Battalion Worcestershire Regiment. (The National Archives, KEW (TNA), WO 95/2430/2). https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/C14303 Verdere verwijzing |
Stacke H.F., The Worcestershire Regiment in the Great War, (Kidderminster, G. T. Cheshire & Sons Ltd., 1929), pg. 300-301. Gebruikte bronnen |
Meer informatie 3
Commonwealth War Graves Commission Database https://www.cwgc.org/find-records/find-war-dead/casualty-details/98727 |
Namenlijst (In Flanders Fields Museum) https://namenlijst.org/publicsearch/#/person/_id=19c777c1-e3ba-4223-9869-8ed7dcfe0cb6 |
Lives of the First World War (Imperial War Museum) https://livesofthefirstworldwar.iwm.org.uk/lifestory/980672 |