Horace George Broadway
Informatie over geboorte
Geboortejaar: 1897 |
Geboorteplaats: Warrnambool, Victoria, Australië |
Algemene Informatie
Beroep: Verkoper |
Informatie legerdienst
Land: Australië |
Strijdmacht: Australian Imperial Force |
Rang: Lance Corporal |
Service nummer: 2781B |
Dienstneming datum: 02/11/1916 |
Dienstneming plaats: Melbourne, Victoria, Australië |
Eenheden: — Australian Infantry, 37th Bn. (Laatst gekende eenheid) |
Informatie over overlijden
Datum van overlijden: 12/10/1917 |
Plaats van overlijden: Haalen Copse, België |
Doodsoorzaak: Killed in action (K.I.A.) |
Leeftijd: 20 |
Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial Paneel: 128 |
Onderscheidingen en medailles 2
British War Medal Medaille |
Victory Medal Medaille |
Points of interest 2
#1 | Geboorteplaats | ||
#2 | Dienstneming plaats |
Mijn verhaal
Lance Corporal Broadway Horace George of the 37th Battalion Australian Infantry (10the Australian Brigade, 3rd Australian Division) was Killed In Action on the 12th of October 1917 near Haalen Copse, southwest of Crest Farm. Lance Corporal Broadway was in charge of a Machine Gun section in A company. At 5.25am on the first day of first battle of Passchendaele the 3th Australian Division advanced towards the German positions. The 10th Australian Brigade with the 37th Battalion A.I.F. left their positions south of the Ravebeek in front of Augustus Wood. The 37th, 38th and 40th Battalion of the 10th Brigade came under fire from Augustus Wood and the Waterfields. The going was extremely heavy with the battalion suffering heavy casualties from machine gun fire and artillery. Most of the Officers and NCO’s had become casualties but this did not deter the men from pushing on towards their objective which they reached at 7 AM. Under intense shelling and machine gun fire the battalion dug in and consolidated their position. It was during this “push” from Augustus Wood to the edge of Haalen Copse that Horace George Broadway was to lose his life.
Bronnen 3
37th Infantry Battalion, (Australian War Memorial, Campbell (AWM), AWM4 23/54). https://www.awm.gov.au/ Gebruikte bronnen |
First Australian Imperial Force Personnel Dossiers, 1914-1920 (National Archives of Australia, Canberra (NAA), B2455). http://recordsearch.naa.gov.au Gebruikte bronnen |
Unit embarkation nominal rolls, 1914-18 War (Australian War Memorial, Campbell (AWM), AWM8). https://www.awm.gov.au Gebruikte bronnen |
Meer informatie 4
Commonwealth War Graves Commission Database https://www.cwgc.org/find-records/find-war-dead/casualty-details/1597915 |
Namenlijst (In Flanders Fields Museum) https://namenlijst.org/publicsearch/#/person/_id=2118be47-0f74-450f-a663-8ab4bdd41d84 |
Lives of the First World War (Imperial War Museum) https://livesofthefirstworldwar.iwm.org.uk/lifestory/7370972 |
The AIF Project (UNSW Canberra) https://aif.adfa.edu.au/showPerson?pid=33058 |