Informations sur naissance

Date de naissance:
Lieu de naissance:
Shettleston, Lanarkshire, Écosse, Royaume-Uni

Informations service militaire

Écosse, Royaume-Uni
Force armée:
British Expeditionary Force
Numéro de service:
Incorporation nom de lieu:
Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Écosse, Royaume-Uni
 —  Cameronians (Scottish Rifles), 1st Bn.  (Dernière unité connue)

Informations sur décès

Date de décès:
Lieu de décès:
Stirling Castle, Zillebeke, Belgique
Cause du décès:
Killed in action (K.I.A.)


Tyne Cot Memorial
Panneau: 69

Distinctions et médailles 2

British War Medal
Médaille — 05/05/1920
Victory Medal
Médaille — 05/05/1920

Points d'intérêt 3

#1 Lieu de naissance
#2 Lieu d'enrôlement
#3 Lieu du décès (approximatif)

Mon histoire

Private Robert Hillhouse served in the Cameronians (Scottish Rifles), 1st Battalion, part of the 19th Brigade, of the 33rd Division. The 33rd Division participated in the Battle of Polygon Wood (26 September – 3 October), part of the Third Battle of Ypres.

The Division attacked with the 100th and 98th Brigade on the 26th of September. It advanced from Veldhoek towards the village of Geluveld, along the northern side of the Menin Road. The 1st Battalion of the Cameronians was in reserve near Stirling Castle. At 4 a.m. all Companies of the Battalion were sent up. “A” Company was to support the 1st/4th King’s (Liverpool Regiment), of the 98th Brigade while “B” Company was to support and reinforce the 1st Battalion of the Queen’s (Royal West Surrey Regiment). “C” and “D” Companies remained in reserve near Inverness Copse.

When the Queen’s had been halted by a German strongpoint, “B” Company assisted the Queen’s by storming and capturing the German pillbox. After two failed German counterattacks during the afternoon, “C” and “D” Companies were also ordered to move up and they set up a strongpoint astride the Menin Road to the Northwest of Inverness Copse in case any other counterattacks developed. On the 27th of September 1917 the 1st Cameronians moved back to positions in the vicinity of Stirling Castle and Jam Support. German shelling was very heavy throughout the day.

Private Robert Hillhouse was killed in action on the 27th of September 1917. He possibly fell victim, due to the German shelling near Stirling Castle. His remains were not found or were never identified and he is remembered on the Tyne Cot Memorial.

Fichiers 2

Sources 2

1 Battalion Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) , (The National Archives, KEW (TNA), WO 95/2422/2).
Autre référence
McCarthy C., The Third Ypres Passchendaele. The Day-by-Day Account, (London, Arms & Armour Press, 1995), pg. 83-86.
Sources utilisées

Complément d’informations 3