Frederick George Barnett

Informationen zu Geburt

Allgemeine Informationen


Informationen zum Armeedienst

England, Vereinigtes Königreich
British Expeditionary Force
Einberufung ort:
Tottenham, Middlesex, England, Vereinigtes Königreich
 —  Royal Fusiliers (City of London) Regiment, 13th Bn.  (Letzte bekannte Einheit)

Informationen zu Tod

Im Kampf gefallen


Tyne Cot Memorial
Tafel: 6G

Auszeichnungen und Orden 2

British War Medal
Victory Medal

Punkte von Interesse 2

#1 Geburtsort
#2 Einberufung ort

Meine Geschichte

Private Frederick George Barnett served in the Royal Fusiliers (City of London) Regiment 13th Battalion, part of the 111th Brigade of the 37th Division.
The Royal Fusiliers 13th Battalion relieved the Somerset Light Infantry 8th Battalion in the frontline on the night of the 1st and 2nd of August 1917. The Battalion’s Headquarter was established at Derry House, South of the Hamlet of Oosttaverne an due East of the village of Wijtschate. Two companies were in the frontline, one in support and the other in reserve. Conditions in the frontline were bad. The frontline position was waterlogged and the weather took a turn for the worst. The ground was immensely boggy.
On the 3rd of August it was noticed that the activity of the German artillery in the sector had increased since the Battalions previous tour in the line. On top of the German shelling the men in the frontline were exposed to German sniper fire coming from Beek Wood and its vicinity during the night of the 3rd and 4th of August 1917.
An intercompany relief was carried out on the night of the 4th and 5th of August 1917. During the relief the Germans fired a quantity gas shells on the forward area, but no casualties were caused.
We believe Private Frederick George Barnett was in one of the two companies who held the Battalion’s frontline from the night of the 1st and 2nd of till the night of the 4th and 5th of August 1917. He was killed in action on the 4th of August 1917. He probably fell victim to German shell fire or to German sniper fire. His grave was never recovered and he’s remembered on the Ypres Menin Gate Memorial.

Weitere Informationen 3