William Layton
Informationen zu Geburt
Geburtsdatum: 04/06/1890 |
Geburtsort: Cootamundra, New South Wales, Australia |
Allgemeine Informationen
Beruf: Jeweller |
Informationen zum Armeedienst
Land: Australia |
Truppe: Australian Imperial Force |
Rang: Leutnant |
Dienstnummer: / |
Einberufung datum: 01/02/1916 |
Einberufung ort: Rutherford, New South Wales, Australia |
Einheiten: — Australian Infantry, 33rd Bn. (Letzte bekannte Einheit) |
Informationen zu Tod
Sterbedatum: 17/10/1917 |
Sterbeort: Lijssenthoek, Remy Siding, No. 2 Canadian Casualty Clearing Station, Belgien |
Todesursache: Verwundet |
Alter: 27 |
Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery Grabstelle: XXII Reihe: B Grab: 11 |
Auszeichnungen und Orden 2
British War Medal Medaille |
Victory Medal Medaille |
Punkte von Interesse 3
#1 | Geburtsort | ||
#2 | Einberufung ort | ||
#3 | Ort des Todes (ungefähr) |
Meine Geschichte
Lieutenant William Layton served in “B” Company of the Australian Infantry, 33rd Battalion, part of the 9th Australian Brigade, of the 3rd Australian Division.
The Division participated in the First Battle of Passchendaele on the 12th of October 1917. This battle was a stage in the Third Battle of Ypres. The final objective of the attack was the village of Passchendaele itself. The 3rd Australian Division attacked with two brigades from its position near Augustus Wood. The 9th Australian Brigade, was on the right of the Divisional front, roughly between Augustus Wood and the Ypres-Roulers railroad. It advanced with 34th, 35th and 36th Battalions. The 33rd Battalion was in reserve.
At 5.25 a.m., the barrage came down. It was very weak and it was difficult to determine which was the own barrage and which was German shell fire. Due to ample covering fire from the artillery and the terrible condition of the ground the men made little headway. On top of these dire circumstances the attacking parties were facing concrete pill-boxes, which had a clear view over the boggy plain. These German strongpoints were all situated on the high ground at Augustus Wood, at Bellevue and at Heine House. The relentless German machine-gun fire caused heavy casualties amongst the attackers and the Battalions of the 9th Australian Brigade advanced in total confusion.
Although the 33rd Battalion had to remain in reserve, “D” Company and two platoons of “B” Company joined the attack and followed the barrage. According to Lieutenant McLean of “D” Company the men of the 33rd had strayed to the northeast. They probably ended up in the sector of the 10th Australian Brigade as “D” Company was lying on the slope of the Bellevue Ridge, while Lieutenant Layton and his men were holed up in a swamp, possibly at Waterfield.
Almost five hours after the start of the attack the Battalion took up positions east of Heine House. “B” and “D” Company had suffered heavy casualties and both Companies had to be amalgamated into one company under the command of Lieutenant Cormack. At 3 p.m. the troops in front of the 33rd Battalion were retiring and they were forced to consolidate a new line West of Augustus Wood. At 7 p.m. the Battalion received orders to withdraw from the front line.
Lieutenant William Layton was mortally wounded during the First Battle of Passchendaele. He was evacuated to No. 2 Canadian Casualty Clearing Station at Remy Siding at the hamlet of Lijsenthoek. Lieutenant William Layton succumbed to his wounds on the 17th of October 1917. He was buried in Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery.
The Division participated in the First Battle of Passchendaele on the 12th of October 1917. This battle was a stage in the Third Battle of Ypres. The final objective of the attack was the village of Passchendaele itself. The 3rd Australian Division attacked with two brigades from its position near Augustus Wood. The 9th Australian Brigade, was on the right of the Divisional front, roughly between Augustus Wood and the Ypres-Roulers railroad. It advanced with 34th, 35th and 36th Battalions. The 33rd Battalion was in reserve.
At 5.25 a.m., the barrage came down. It was very weak and it was difficult to determine which was the own barrage and which was German shell fire. Due to ample covering fire from the artillery and the terrible condition of the ground the men made little headway. On top of these dire circumstances the attacking parties were facing concrete pill-boxes, which had a clear view over the boggy plain. These German strongpoints were all situated on the high ground at Augustus Wood, at Bellevue and at Heine House. The relentless German machine-gun fire caused heavy casualties amongst the attackers and the Battalions of the 9th Australian Brigade advanced in total confusion.
Although the 33rd Battalion had to remain in reserve, “D” Company and two platoons of “B” Company joined the attack and followed the barrage. According to Lieutenant McLean of “D” Company the men of the 33rd had strayed to the northeast. They probably ended up in the sector of the 10th Australian Brigade as “D” Company was lying on the slope of the Bellevue Ridge, while Lieutenant Layton and his men were holed up in a swamp, possibly at Waterfield.
Almost five hours after the start of the attack the Battalion took up positions east of Heine House. “B” and “D” Company had suffered heavy casualties and both Companies had to be amalgamated into one company under the command of Lieutenant Cormack. At 3 p.m. the troops in front of the 33rd Battalion were retiring and they were forced to consolidate a new line West of Augustus Wood. At 7 p.m. the Battalion received orders to withdraw from the front line.
Lieutenant William Layton was mortally wounded during the First Battle of Passchendaele. He was evacuated to No. 2 Canadian Casualty Clearing Station at Remy Siding at the hamlet of Lijsenthoek. Lieutenant William Layton succumbed to his wounds on the 17th of October 1917. He was buried in Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery.
Quellen 5
33rd Australian Infantry Battalion, (Australian War Memorial, Campbell (AWM), AWM4 23/50/12). Verwendete Quellen |
Australian War Memorial Verwendete Quellen |
Edwards J., Never a Backward Step. A History of the First 33rd Battalion, AIF, (South Grafton, Bettong Books, 1996), pg. 52-57. Verwendete Quellen |
First Australian Imperial Force Personnel Dossiers, 1914-1920, (National Archives of Australia, Canberra (NAA), B2455, LAYTON W). Verwendete Quellen |
McCarthy C., The Third Ypres Passchendaele. The Day-by-Day Account, (London, Arms & Armour Press, 1995), pg. 113-115. Verwendete Quellen |
Weitere Informationen 4
Commonwealth War Graves Commission Database |
Namenlijst (In Flanders Fields Museum) |
The AIF Project (UNSW Canberra) |
Lives of the First World War (Imperial War Museum) |