Patrick Cannon
Informationen zu Geburt
Geburtsjahr: 1893 |
Geburtsort: Dublin, Irland, Vereinigtes Königreich |
Allgemeine Informationen
Beruf: Barmann |
Informationen zum Armeedienst
Land: Irland, Vereinigtes Königreich |
Truppe: British Expeditionary Force |
Rang: Private |
Dienstnummer: 90523 |
Einberufung datum: 16/01/1917 |
Einberufung ort: Liverpool, Lancashire, England, Vereinigtes Königreich |
Einheiten: — Machine Gun Corps, 143rd Coy. (Letzte bekannte Einheit) |
Informationen zu Tod
Sterbedatum: 23/08/1917 |
Sterbeort: Springfield - Winnipeg, Belgien |
Todesursache: Im Kampf gefallen |
Alter: 24 |
Tyne Cot Memorial Tafel: 156 |
Auszeichnungen und Orden 2
British War Medal Medaille |
Victory Medal Medaille |
Punkte von Interesse 3
#1 | Geburtsort | ||
#2 | Einberufung ort | ||
#3 | Ort des Todes (ungefähr) |
Meine Geschichte
Private Patrick Cannon was part of the 143rd Machine Gun Company, 48th Division. At 4.45 a.m. on 22 Augustus 1917 the 143rd Machine Gun Company attacked with the 1/5th Royal Warwicks, 143rd Brigade, 48th division. This attacked was aimed at Springfield and Winnipeg. Some gun pits were captured, but the ground conditions prevented further waves going forward. The gun pits fell back in German hands after a counter-attack, but were recaptured later that day. 6 guns of the 143rd Machine Gun Company were send up and had to be positioned at Winnipeg (2), Cemetery (2) and Springfield (2). The war diary of the 143rd Machine Gun Company states that the attack failed. The final position of that day was midway between the jump off line and the Springfield road. On the 23rd of Augustus 1917 the gun pits around Springfield were counterattacked with flamethrowers, but the Germans were driven off. The area was also continuous shelled that day. It's most likely that Private Patrick Cannon was killed by shellfire while consolidating the gains from the previous day north east of St Julian in the direction of Springfield and Winnipeg.
Quellen 1
McCarthy Chris, Passchendaele : The Day-by-Day account, (London, Uniform, 2018), p 62-64. Verwendete Quellen |
Weitere Informationen 3
Commonwealth War Graves Commission Database |
Namenlijst (In Flanders Fields Museum) |
Lives of the First World War (Imperial War Museum) |