2nd Lt
John Miller Bannatyne
Informationen zu Geburt
Geburtsdatum: 18/06/1880 |
Geburtsort: Mount Florida, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Vereinigtes Königreich, Schottland |
Allgemeine Informationen
Beruf: Tuch Hersteller |
Informationen zum Armeedienst
Land: Vereinigtes Königreich, Schottland |
Truppe: British Expeditionary Force |
Rang: Second Lieutenant |
Dienstnummer: / |
Einheiten: — Highland Light Infantry, 12th Bn. (Letzte bekannte Einheit) |
Informationen zu Tod
Sterbedatum: 02/08/1917 |
Sterbeort: Casualty Clearing Stations, Brandhoek, Belgien |
Todesursache: Verwundet |
Alter: 37 |
Brandhoek New Military Cemetery Grabstelle: I Reihe: F Grab: 8 |
Punkte von Interesse 1
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
#1 | Geburtsort |
Meine Geschichte
John Miller Bannatyne was a 37-year old Cloth Manufacturer from Glasgow. He was married with Mabel Emery. They had two daughters, Margaret and Jean Bannatyne. At the time of the Battle of Passchendaele John served as a Second Lieutenant with the 12th Battalion Highland Light Infantry, part of the 46th Brigade of the 15th (Scottish) Division.
On 31 July 1917 the Division participated in The Battle of Pilkem Ridge, the opening phase of the Battle of Passchendaele. It advanced with three Brigades on Frezenberg Hill, going towards Zonnebeke. One section of the 12th Highland Light Infantry were in reserve, while another was distributed between the 10/11th H.L.I and the 7/8th King’s Own Scottish Borderers, who were both to attack. When the first two objectives had been captured, the 46th brigade Commander ordered the 12th H.L.I. to move into support in the old frontline. John’s Battalion consequently took up positions at the Stables, in front of the hamlet of Verlorenhoek.
But the attack to the last objective did not go as planned. Once the 10/11th H.L.I and the 7/8th King’s Own Scottish Borderers had skirted the Frezenberg Ridge, they came under fire from Hill 35 and Pommern Castle, Vampir, Borry Farm and Beck House. Soon all Brigades fell back on the Black Line at the Frezenberg. German counter-attacks in the afternoon threatened these new positions, and the 12th H.L.I. were ordered to be held in readiness to support the 45th Brigade if required. One section was sent to Square Farm, where they were to establish a strongpoint with two machine-guns. The position at Square Farm was heavily shelled throughout the two following days. At 4.15. p.m. the German attack on the Frezenberg was checked by machine-gun fire. On the 1st of August 1917, the 12th H.L.I. established itself near Low Farm and Frost House, from where they helped to repulse yet another German-counterattack.
The Battalion was finally relieved on the 2nd of August 1917. Second Lieutenant John Miller Bannatyne was wounded during the fighting on the Frezenberg. He was evacuated to Casualty Clearing Station near Brandhoek and succumbed to his wounds, while his men were being relieved from the line. John was buried in Brandhoek New Military Cemetery, leaving behind a wife and two young daughters.
On 31 July 1917 the Division participated in The Battle of Pilkem Ridge, the opening phase of the Battle of Passchendaele. It advanced with three Brigades on Frezenberg Hill, going towards Zonnebeke. One section of the 12th Highland Light Infantry were in reserve, while another was distributed between the 10/11th H.L.I and the 7/8th King’s Own Scottish Borderers, who were both to attack. When the first two objectives had been captured, the 46th brigade Commander ordered the 12th H.L.I. to move into support in the old frontline. John’s Battalion consequently took up positions at the Stables, in front of the hamlet of Verlorenhoek.
But the attack to the last objective did not go as planned. Once the 10/11th H.L.I and the 7/8th King’s Own Scottish Borderers had skirted the Frezenberg Ridge, they came under fire from Hill 35 and Pommern Castle, Vampir, Borry Farm and Beck House. Soon all Brigades fell back on the Black Line at the Frezenberg. German counter-attacks in the afternoon threatened these new positions, and the 12th H.L.I. were ordered to be held in readiness to support the 45th Brigade if required. One section was sent to Square Farm, where they were to establish a strongpoint with two machine-guns. The position at Square Farm was heavily shelled throughout the two following days. At 4.15. p.m. the German attack on the Frezenberg was checked by machine-gun fire. On the 1st of August 1917, the 12th H.L.I. established itself near Low Farm and Frost House, from where they helped to repulse yet another German-counterattack.
The Battalion was finally relieved on the 2nd of August 1917. Second Lieutenant John Miller Bannatyne was wounded during the fighting on the Frezenberg. He was evacuated to Casualty Clearing Station near Brandhoek and succumbed to his wounds, while his men were being relieved from the line. John was buried in Brandhoek New Military Cemetery, leaving behind a wife and two young daughters.
Quellen 6
"Passchendaele. The Day-by-Day Account", McCarthy C., London, Uniform, 2018, pg. 27-30. Verwendete Quellen |
Ancestry https://www.ancestry.com/ Weitere Quellen |
CWGC https://www.cwgc.org/find-war-dead/casualty/430192/bannatyne,-john-miller/ Verwendete Quellen |
The Long, Long Trail http://www.longlongtrail.co.uk/army/ Verwendete Quellen |
War Diary 46th Brigade http://www.nmarchive.com/ Weitere Quellen |
War Diary Highland Light Infantry, 12th Bn. http://www.nmarchive.com/ Verwendete Quellen |